From the Dealer's point of view...

Dale Hodgkinson took on Strongford Garage as a going concern around 8 years ago, after a long career in both motorbike and car sales. He's experienced huge changes in the industry and successfully managed the business through one of the industry's most difficult times.
Dale told us “As for many dealers, the things keeping me awake at night are sourcing good quality stock and then paying for it. I normally stock 20-25 vehicles but I have space for more.
Opening up a NextGear Capital Stocking Plan has allowed me to increase my stock holding and be more reactive; making purchases when the good stock comes up at auction or online, rather than having to wait. This has already had an impact on stock churn, because I’m able to give customers more choice, and a number of the vehicles I’ve bought using NextGear Capital have sold quickly.
You’d be mad not to take advantage of a reasonably priced, flexible stocking plan. There are no ties to a retail finance provider and you don’t get charged if you don’t use the plan; which gives me greater control over what I can buy and more flexibility in where I can buy from.
I firmly believe that the challenge of securing good stock will be a continuing theme. But having a NextGear Capital Stocking Plan means I can take the opportunity to buy the good stock when the opportunity arises; to stock more and sell more.”
Dale Hodgkinson
Proprietor, Strongford Garage