We've partnered with Birmingham Motor Auctions to give our dealers access to quality stock. With sales every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and a variety of stock on offer there's something to suit all dealerships.
Why buy from Birmingham Motor Auctions?
- Up to 100+ vehicles on offer every week
- Vehicles from Chambers Group, ING Leasing and more.
- Take a look at an example catalogue here
- Commercial vehicles on offer
- NAMA Members
- Helpful and highly experienced staff
Sale times
Monday - 6.30pm
Tuesday - 6.30pm
Saturday - 12pm
Not yet a NextGear Capital dealer?
Having a NextGear Capital Stocking Plan is the smart way to buy the stock you want from the source you choose:

- Paying 100% of hammer price
- Giving you 24/7 access to your Stocking Plan
- Allowing you to hold stock for up to 120 days
- Being simple, transparent, speedy and paperless